44th Annual Heritage Show
Saturday & Sunday June 22nd & 23rd, 2024
Gates Open Daily 7:30 A.M.
Admission: $12:00 Children under 12 free
With Display: Free Others by donation.
Antique Tractor Pull Saturday Afternoon- $10.00 Hookup fee
Heavywieght Tractor Pull Saturday Night - $20.00 Hookup fee
Camping available: see camping page.
other events
We will be at:
East Central Farm Show: March 6-7 2024
Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival: April 6-7 2024
Monthly meetings:
Regular monthly meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at The Manilla Community Hall at 7:30 p.m. The only exception is in June when the meeting is held Tue. the week of the show at 7:30 p.m. at the Lindsay Fairgrounds. In Commonwell Building.
$2.00 at door to participate in 50/50 draw.
Bi-Annual Election:
The election was held at the Manilla Community Hall on November 21th, 2023.
Two year term
Election Results
President: Bill Windsor - 1 416 989 9853
1st Vice: Mark Struik - 1 705 344 1329
2nd Vice: Brandyn Warren - 1 705 330 2784
Secretary: Sharon McEachern - 1 519 939 0354
Treasurer: Don Found - 1 705 328 5980
Correspondence: Mary Lou Smith - 1 705 953 9354
Membership: Angela Longhurst - 1 905 715 3969
Our annual banquet and trophy awards was held on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at the Sunderland Legion. Social hour 6:00 with buffet beef dinner at 7:00. Great meal was be served once again by the Ladies of the Legion. Music by Gary Peters and wide array of attendance prizes. Banquet tickets $25.00. For Tickets call Alma Ward, 905 263 8089.
Go to 2023 Trophy Winners page to view 2023 winners.